

Robertson-Kirkland, B. E. (2020) Mapping changes to the songs in The Gentle Shepherd, 1725-1788. Studies in Scottish Literature, 46(2), pp. 103-126.

Robertson-Kirkland, B. E. (2019) Performance potential of Stationers’ Hall collections. Brio, (Accepted for Publication)

Robertson-Kirkland, B.E. (2018) Library of Congress: Early American Sheet Music. Royal Musical Association Research Chronicle, (doi:10.1080/14723808.2018.1500810) (Early Online Publication)

Robertson-Kirkland, B. (2018) Music-making: a fundamental or a vain accomplishment? Women’s History, 2(10), pp. 30-34.

Robertson-Kirkland, B. (2018) Eighteenth-century Arts Education Research Network. Eighteenth-Century Music, 15(1), pp. 103-104. (doi:10.1017/S1478570617000574)

Berger, C. and Robertson-Kirkland, B. (2017) The burning circle: (pre)history, performance and public engagement. Scottish Journal of Performance, 4(1), pp. 29-53. (doi:10.14439/sjop.2017.0401.03)

Robertson-Kirkland, B. (2017) Women and education in the long Eighteenth Century Glasgow Women’s Library, 8 September 2016. Eighteenth-Century Music, 14(1), pp. 171-173. (doi:10.1017/S1478570616000579)
Robertson-Kirkland, B. E. (2013) The silencing of Bel Canto. eSharp, 21, 7.

Book Chapters

Robertson-Kirkland, B. E. (2018) Rivalry, comradery and the prima donnas: Elizabeth Billington and Gertrude Mara. In: Duckling, L., Read, S., Roberts, F. and Williams, C. D. (eds.) Exploring the Lives of Women, 1558–1837. Pen & Sword History. ISBN 9781526744975

Robertson-Kirkland, B. E. (2018) “My love to war is going”: Women and song in the Napoleonic era. In: Hore, P. (ed.) The Trafalgar Chronicle: New Series 3. Series: Yearbook of The 1805 Club. Seaforth Publishing. ISBN 9781473899803

Robertson-Kirkland, B. E. (2014) Opera identity: the singer, the character or the immortal performer? In: Wiseman, S. (ed.) Assembling Identities. Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Cambridge, pp. 47-56. ISBN 9781443865296

Book Reviews

Robertson-Kirkland, B. (2017) Christina Fuhrmann, Foreign Operas at the London Playhouse: From Mozart to Bellini (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015). Nineteenth-Century Music Review, 14(2), pp. 243-245. (doi:10.1017/S147940981600032X) [Book Review]

Robertson, B. E. (2014) Dissonance in the Republic of Letters: The Querelle des Gluckistes et des Piccinnistes by Mark Darlow. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 37(3), pp. 411-412. (doi:10.1111/1754-0208.12094) [Book Review]

Robertson, B. (2013) A History of Singing by John Potter and Neil Sorrell. Kelvingrove Review, 12, [Book Review]

Web Articles

Robertson-Kirkland, B. E. (2020) Personally-Bound Song Collections: Combining Popular Trends with Nostalgia, RNSN. [Website]

Robertson-Kirkland, B. E. (2019)
Tracing ‘The Yellow Hair’d Laddie’. RNSN. [Website]

Robertson-Kirkland, B. E. (2018) Understanding the Agnes Burns 1801 Music Book. Electric Scotland. [Website]

Robertson-Kirkland, B. E. (2015) Rise to fame: training an 18th-century singer. [Website]
Robertson, B. (2011) Madrigirls: the past ten years. [Website]

Concert and Media Reviews

Robertson-Kirkland, Brianna, E. (2020), ‘Entertaining Miss Austen’, [Review]. BSECS Criticks.

Robertson-Kirkland, B. E. (2018). Pipedreams (Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment). [Review]. BSECS Criticks.

Robertson-Kirkland, B. E. (2018). Navigate the Blood a new opera by indie folk-rock band Admiral Fallow and Gareth Williams. [Review]. BSECS Criticks.

Robertson-Kirkland, B. E. (2017). Aquasonic. An underwater concert at Sonica Glasgow. [Review]. The Cusp.

Robertson-Kirkland, B. E. (2016). Luminous Birds. [Review]. The Cusp.

Robertson, B. E. (2016). Outlander – Season Two. [Review]. BSECS Criticks.